Welcome to the methodological material TAKK for the language

Here you will find information and examples about how AAC (Augmentative and Alternative Communication) can be used in combination with the mother-tongue.


We hope that by using this material, you will find both ideas and also knowledge about;

  • Why it is important to encourage mother tongue development with children in need of support in their communication develop- ment.

  • How augmentative and alternative communication can be adapted to suit people with a multi-lingual background who need communication support.

    The material gathered on this website is the result of the work regard- ing AAC (augmentative and alternative communication) and multilin- gualism that was completed by the project “TAKK for the language” during the period 2010 – 2014 by MiM Knowledge Center (MiM Kunskap- scentrum) in Gothenburg, Sweden.

    Please share your comments, questions and personal experiences of AAC and multilingualism by contacting us at info@mimkunkapscen- trum.se.



What does it mean for a child to be able to have several languages?

Children receive a richer world when their parents use the language they know best! This obviously applies also to children with communicative difficulties.

By using all their languages they practice daily on linguistic attention and flexibility, in the same way as all multilingual children. They can build meaningful relationships with their families and receive positive encouragement for their linguistic skills.




Why is it important for the family to use their mother-tongue?

Parents find they are confirmed in their ability to develop the child's identity and giving it a language. As a result of a living mother-tongue the family can use its own experiences and values in the integration process.

In this way the family's linguistic skills and experiences will be sought after and respected in the community, which also will strengthens the confidence of the family members




How is AAC used in the mother tongue?

AAC (Augmentative and Alternative Communication) is a method used to support and strengthen the communication between people when the spoken language, for various reasons, is not enough. To help and improve the persons communication and participation in all situations one can use signing, various imaging systems or technical aids.

AAC may be needed for a short period of time or as lifelong support. For persons with a mother tongue other than Swedish, there is the possibility to use all AAC tools along with their mother tongue. To use TAKK (signs as AAC), use signs from the Swedish sign language in order to support and enhance what is said in Swedish. The same method is done to use TAKK in the mother tongue, the difference being that the Swedish signs are used together with the person's mother tongue. Image communication is also used together with the language as needed. Communication maps, schematics, story drawings or social stories can be customized with a text written in Swedish, the mother tongue or both languages.

Image communication is also used together with the language as needed. Communication maps, schematics, story drawings or social stories can be customized with a text written in Swedish, the mother tongue or both languages.




Why AAC in the mother tongue?

All children have a right to their mother tongue. Mother tongue is the language basis that every child learns, by listening and being together with their parents and family. AAC in the mother tongue leads to language development in the mother tongue.

At the same time language development in the mother tongue encourages the development in the other language, which often occurs in the child’s life.




How can collaboration between the school and home look like?

The collaboration between home, school and mother tongue teachers is an important part in multilingual development. The learning environment is also of great importance in developing the child's language. Knowledge, creativity and willingness to new encounters are crucial! So you ought to consider the following:

  • All AAC used in the school environment should be used together with the mother tongue. The mother tongue teacher needs access to AAC tools and also knowledge of how these are used.

  • Basic content for mother tongue classes should be planned jointly by the teacher from the pupil's school and the mother tongue teacher. In this way, current topics from school lessons can be reinforced by mother-tongue teaching.

  • The parents know much about their children's language skills in their mother tongue. They should be asked about it and encouraged to contribute with key issues or events in the child's life that may enrich the mother-tongue teaching.




Voices regarding AAC and Multilingualism







Production group

Project management, concept and script
Luz Solano - MiM Kunskapscentrum

Administration and coordination
Kerstin Kristiansson – MiM Kunskapscentrum

Experts within the fields regarding AAC, Multilingualism

  • Britt Claesson – Dart- Kommunikations- och dataresurscenter för personer med funktionsnedsättning

  • Elisabeth Norén- samordnare för AKK – Specialpedagogiska Skolmyndigheten, SPSM

  • Eva Kristina Salameh – Språkens Hus, Skånes Universitets Sjukhus

  • Marie Jacobsson – Center för Skolutveckling, CFS

  • Luz Solano - Projektledare, MiM Kunskapscentrum – Masterexamen i

Web design and development
Thijs Keesenberg

Zygomatic Animations Studios
Högskolan Väst, 3D-animation och visualisering programmet.

Sound and music
Andreas Alme

Pia Tjäder


Maria J

Maria Kh
